Monday, June 22, 2009

You are 5 months old today!!

You are rolling all over the place. Back to front. Front to back. And even off Mama's bed. You seem to be very accident prone these days, and that definitely has me nervous. Your highchair came last week, and it is your new favorite seat!!

You love to watch Mama cook, and don't seem to want to be put down; ever. We are still nursing, and lately I feel like your camelpac...if it was up to you, you would eat all day, and NIGHT long. You kept me up all night last night, and still were wide awake this morning before Daddy left for work, ready to play:)

Right now, you love apple juice, sweet potatoes, applesauce, and peaches. Can't stand the green stuff, green beans caused you to projectile vomit all over Daddy. I swear, I didn't laugh one bit. No, not me!!
You love kisses, and snuggle time. And really are not a fan of sleeping in your own bed. Lately, you and Daddy have spent a ton of time in front of the TV playing Gears of War II on the XBox, you in your bouncy chair, Daddy on a speaker. Its funny I know, but he wants to sit a foot away from the TV, and the couch is too far for him, I guess!!

You are pushing 20 pounds. And don't show any signs of holding back. In a couple of weeks, you are gonna have your next check up at the doctors, and more shots, and then we will know how long you are:) You are such a big boy.

You have mastered the art of a temper tantrum, and are the expert in throwing yourself off of whatever surface, or lap you are on. We have definitely had to step up the strong hold!! Daddy wanted me to add that you are still (for the third month according to the doctors) trying to cut your bottom two teeth...and you have a constant stream of drool coming from your mouth.

Right now you are trying your hardest to sit up, and seem very determined to do so. Daddy says that he likes this age far...but he always says that. I had to stop to laugh just now because Daddy is talking to Grandpa on the phone about you. He just said you need a hair cut!! Silly Daddy-no hair cuts just yet!

Every night when Daddy gets home from work, he takes you outside to do "Man things." Not really sure what all that entails, but its Daddy's ritual, so I will let him tell you about it:)

Maybe this weekend we will hit the beach!! It seems to rain every time we try.

I love you little man, maybe you can slow down the growing for a little bit, what cha think?

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute....I want to reach through the screen and pinch his cheeks!!!
