Friday, June 12, 2009

You are 20 weeks old-but not five months

Dear Jax-

I have been thinking about starting a blog for you for, well, 20 weeks now. But today I did it. I thought it was important for you to know the silly things you do, and the joy that you bring to the lives of your Daddy and I.

You threw a ball the other night for the first time. It was such a big deal to Daddy, he had to tell everyone about it. I was pretty impressed too...its neat to see you interact with your toys.

I am so proud of all of the things you have learned already. You roll over in every direction possible, most times if I leave you on the floor or on the bed when I come back you are in a completely different direction. I can't believe how grown up you are already.

I am hoping that with in the next week or so I can get you to reach for me. Right now you reach for your toys, or your juice, and even the other day you rolled from the center of the bed to Daddy's night stand to get your bottle from the night before. I quickly took the bottle from you, but couldn't help but to smile at how smart you are becoming.
You are such a little snuggler. I joke that I am going to make you the perfect man for your future wife. Daddy sure isn't a snuggler.

You are trying to crawl these days. You get your little bum in the air, and start grunting, trying so hard to get the rest of you going, and instead, you end up turning yourself in a circle...its quite cute, if I say so myself.

Lately, I have had to laugh because you try so hard to do things, and you get so focused, so deadset on it that you actually get frusterated...not that you getting frusterated is funny, its just that you are trying so hard to do things that maybe just a little out of your reach.

You are the greatest thing in my life. You make me smile and giggle nonstop. Lately, you have been screaming and screeching at the top of your lungs, and I can't help but to chime in. Your smile is captivating, and your eyes are as beautiful as the ocean--oh how I would love it if they would stay blue forever.
Right now, it is pratically impossible for me to do anything without you in my arms, or you will throw a temper tantrum like I have never seen before. You hate to be put in your crib for naptime, and absolutely hate it if you can't see me because I am doing something meaningless, like laundry.

You have quite the little personality, my love. And you definitely like to be the center of attention. You are quite a little entertainer, and a flirt. You bat those big blue eyes, and you have won over a room of people; especially the ladies.

Your Daddy swears that he is your favorite, but I know for are a Mama's Boy...and that is alright with me.

Love you sweet man.

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